Cart Stud + Phone Mount

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  • Regular price $37.99

    From the FlighTowel 3D Shop comes an amazing addition for your Zuca cart... Our Cart Stud and Phone Mount!  This setup is a beast.  It starts with a custom made base that has a standard 1/4 20 stainless steel stud protruding from it.  That alone is pretty awesome, you can attach so many different photo mounts to it.  It's so versatile!  Next we added in a beefy ball mount that allows you to swivel your phone to whatever position you like.  With a twist of the knob you can go from portrait to landscape mode, and every angle in between.  Finally, all this leads up to the phone mount itself.  This aluminum mount is stout and accepts phones from 2.5" - 3.5" wide, making it perfect for phones with or even without a case (we highly recommend a case though).  

     What you end up with is a phone mount for your cart that will actually hold up to a round of disc golf.  We take a great deal of pride in all our products and have tested this setup on the most rugged courses in Oregon.  It performs so well, we know you are going to love it.


NOTE: There are two types of Zuca cart handles. The standard handle is the most common, it has a slant on the top and bottom as seen in the photo. The flat top handle is more rare and is completely flat on the top and bottom. If you choose the flat top design your Cart Stud will come with an adapter.

INSTALLATION NOTE:  Please watch this installation video before attempting to install the base and phone mount.  Hit us up on our website CHAT with any questions before or during installation, we will get back to you ASAP. This cart stud and phone mount will only fit ZUCA brand disc golf carts. Tighten down the top nut during installation more than you think it needs to be.  It should be very tight, the cart stud should not wiggle at all once installed.  If your guide tab ever breaks off it's okay, it is not needed to keep the cart stud secure.  In this case, just hold the base while tightening the top nut. If you have any questions just hit me up.  - Scott Bresee

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
david walgamotte

A bit pricey but works great


Such a great accessory for the Zuca cart. Apparently I have an oddball “flat top” handle. Scott sent out the flat mount adapter free or charge as soon as he read my email. Great product, AMAZING customer service. Will definitely recommend FlighTowel!!

Elrydge Burnett
Awesome Product

This phone mount does everything & more. Definitely a great addition to my Zuca cart!

Mark Seefeldt

So glad I spent the money on this high-quality phone holder for my Züca cart. Easy to follow instructions and super secure grip on my phone. The convenience for keeping score makes this one of my favorite add-ons.

Don Frank

Really like the mount but seems no matter how tight I tighten still loose by end of a rough course.

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